Welcome to Marina di Conca Verde

Gallura – Sardinia.

Located on a lovely hill-side with views over the fiord of Porto Pozzo and the archipelago of La Maddalena, we offer welcoming villettas of various sizes all of them built in local style with Sardinian granite stones and hardwood furniture.

40 million years ago this inlet was geologically formed. Over two thousand years ago, Odysseus sailed into this inlet to meet the fierce Lestrigonians.  Today, a peaceful small fishing village built around the sweet-water well named Porto Pozzo ('pozzo'=well) gives you a very warm welcome indeed with its bars, restaurants and pizzeria, family run food shops, pharmacy, and a safe marina. A unique starting point for day-trips to the many small islands of the archipelago of La Maddalena and its secluded beaches which are just a small hop away with small rented boats.

The Residence The Beaches Villettas Nearby

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